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Wednesday, February 2, 2022





MongoDB is a cross-platform, document-oriented database that provides, high performance, high availability, and easy scalability. MongoDB works on concept of collection and document.



Database is a physical container for collections. Each database gets its own set of files on the file system. A single MongoDB server typically has multiple databases.



Collection is a group of MongoDB documents. It is the equivalent of an RDBMS table. A collection exists within a single database. Collections do not enforce a schema. Documents within a collection can have different fields. Typically, all documents in a collection are of similar or related purpose.



A document is a set of key-value pairs. Documents have dynamic schema. Dynamic schema means that documents in the same collection do not need to have the same set of fields or structure, and common fields in a collection's documents may hold different types of data.

The following table shows the relationship of RDBMS terminology with MongoDB.

Sample Document

Following example shows the document structure of a blog site, which is simply a comma separated key value pair.


_id: ObjectId(7df78ad8902c)

title: 'MongoDB Overview',

description: 'MongoDB is no sql database',

by: 'tutorials point'

url: '',

tags: ['mongodb', 'database', 'NoSQL'],

likes: 100,

comments: [



message: 'My first comment',

dateCreated: new Date(2011,1,20,2,15),

like: 0




message: 'My second comments',

dateCreated: new Date(2011,1,25,7,45),

like: 5




_id is a 12 bytes hexadecimal number which assures the uniqueness of every document. You can provide _id while inserting the document. If you don’t provide then MongoDB provides a unique id for every document. These 12 bytes first 4 bytes for the current timestamp, next 3 bytes for machine id, next 2 bytes for process id of MongoDB server and remaining 3 bytes are simple incremental VALUE.

Any relational database has a typical schema design that shows number of tables and the relationship between these tables. While in MongoDB, there is no concept of relationship.

Advantages of MongoDB over RDBMS

· Schema less − MongoDB is a document database in which one collection holds different documents. Number of fields, content and size of the document can differ from one document to another.  

· Structure of a single object is clear.

·  No complex joins.

·  Deep query-ability. MongoDB supports dynamic queries on documents using a document-based query language that's nearly as powerful as SQL.

·  Tuning.

·  Ease of scale-out − MongoDB is easy to scale.

·  Conversion/mapping of application objects to database objects not needed.

·  Uses internal memory for storing the (windowed) working set, enabling faster access of data.

· Document Oriented Storage − Data is stored in the form of JSON style documents.

·  Index on any attribute

·  Replication and high availability

·  Auto-Sharding

·  Rich queries

·  Fast in-place updates

·  Professional support by MongoDB


Where to Use MongoDB?

· Big Data

·  Content Management and Delivery

·  Mobile and Social Infrastructure

·  User Data Management

·  Data Hub

MongoDB supports many datatypes. Some of them are –

· String − This is the most commonly used datatype to store the data. String in MongoDB must be UTF-8 valid.  

· Integer − This type is used to store a numerical value. Integer can be 32 bit or 64 bit depending upon your server.  

· Boolean − This type is used to store a boolean (true/ false) value.

·  Double − This type is used to store floating point values.

·  Min/ Max keys − This type is used to compare a value against the lowest and highest BSON elements.  

· Arrays − This type is used to store arrays or list or multiple values into one key.

·  Timestamp − ctimestamp. This can be handy for recording when a document has been modified or added.  

· Object − This datatype is used for embedded documents.

·  Null − This type is used to store a Null value.

·  Symbol − This datatype is used identically to a string; however, it's generally reserved for languages that use a specific symbol type.  

· Date − This datatype is used to store the current date or time in UNIX time format. You can specify your own date time by creating object of Date and passing day, month, year into it.  

· Object ID − This datatype is used to store the document’s ID.

· Binary data − This datatype is used to store binary data.

·  Code − This datatype is used to store JavaScript code into the document.

·  Regular expression − This datatype is used to store regular expression.



The find() Method

To query data from MongoDB collection, you need to use MongoDB's find() method.


The basic syntax of find() method is as follows –


find() method will display all the documents in a non-structured way.


Assume we have created a collection named mycol as –

And inserted 3 documents in it using the insert() method as shown below –

Following method retrieves all the documents in the collection –

The pretty() Method

To display the results in a formatted way, you can use pretty() method.




Following example retrieves all the documents from the collection named mycol and arranges them in an easy-to-read format.

The findOne() method

Apart from the find() method, there is findOne() method, that returns only one document.




Following example retrieves the document with title MongoDB Overview.

RDBMS Where Clause Equivalents in MongoDB

To query the document on the basis of some condition, you can use following operations.

AND in MongoDB


To query documents based on the AND condition, you need to use $and keyword. Following is the basic syntax of AND –

>db.mycol.find({ $and: [ {:}, { :} ] })


Following example will show all the tutorials written by 'tutorials point' and whose title is 'MongoDB Overview'.

For the above given example, equivalent where clause will be ' where by = 'tutorials point' AND title = 'MongoDB Overview' '. You can pass any number of key, value pairs in find clause.

OR in MongoDB


To query documents based on the OR condition, you need to use $or keyword. Following is the basic syntax of OR −



$or: [

{key1: value1}, {key2:value2}





Following example will show all the tutorials written by 'tutorials point' or whose title is 'MongoDB Overview'.

Using AND and OR Together


The following example will show the documents that have likes greater than 10 and whose title is either 'MongoDB Overview' or by is 'tutorials point'. Equivalent SQL where clause is 'where likes>10 AND (by = 'tutorials point' OR title = 'MongoDB Overview')'

NOR in MongoDB


To query documents based on the NOT condition, you need to use $not keyword. Following is the basic syntax of NOT −



$not: [

{key1: value1}, {key2:value2}





Assume we have inserted 3 documents in the collection empDetails as shown below –

Following example will retrieve the document(s) whose first name is not "Radhika" and last name is not "Christopher"


NOT in MongoDB


To query documents based on the NOT condition, you need to use $not keyword following is the basic syntax of NOT −



$NOT: [

{key1: value1}, {key2:value2}





Following example will retrieve the document(s) whose age is not greater than 25


MapReduce addresses the challenges of distributed programming by providing an abstraction that isolates the developer from system-level details (e.g., locking of data structures, data starvation issues in the processing pipeline, etc.). The programming model specifies simple and well-defined interfaces between a small number of components, and therefore is easy for the programmer to reason about. MapReduce maintains a separation of what computations are to be performed and how those computations are actually carried out on a cluster of machines. The first is under the control of the programmer, while the second is exclusively the responsibility of the execution framework or “runtime”. The advantage is that the execution framework only needs to be designed once and verified for correctness—thereafter, as long as the developer expresses computations in the programming model, code is guaranteed to behave as expected. The upshot is that the developer is freed from having to worry about system-level details (e.g., no more debugging race conditions and addressing lock contention) and can instead focus on algorithm or application design.

ich often has multiple cores). Why is MapReduce important? In practical terms, it provides a very effective tool for tackling large-data problems. But beyond that, MapReduce is important in how it has changed the way we organize computations at a massive scale. MapReduce represents the first widely-adopted step away from the von Neumann model that has served as the foundation of computer science over the last half plus century. Valiant called this a bridging model [148], a conceptual bridge between the physical implementation of a machine and the software that is to be executed on that machine. Until recently, the von Neumann model has served us well: Hardware designers focused on efficient implementations of the von Neumann model and didn’t have to think much about the actual software that would run on the machines. Similarly, the software industry developed software targeted at the model without worrying about the hardware details. The result was extraordinary growth: chip designers churned out successive generations of increasingly powerful processors, and software engineers were able to develop applications in high-level languages that exploited those processors.

MapReduce can be viewed as the first breakthrough in the quest for new abstractions that allow us to organize computations, not over individual machines, but over entire clusters. As Barroso puts it, the datacenter is the computer. MapReduce is certainly not the first model of parallel computation that has been proposed. The most prevalent model in theoretical computer science, which dates back several decades, is the PRAM. MAPPERS AND REDUCERS Key-value pairs form the basic data structure in MapReduce. Keys and values may be primitives such as integers, floating point values, strings, and raw bytes, or they may be arbitrarily complex structures (lists, tuples, associative arrays, etc.). Programmers typically need to define their own custom data types, although a number of libraries such as Protocol Buffers,5 Thrift,6 and Avro7 simplify the task. Part of the design of MapReduce algorithms involves imposing the key-value structure on arbitrary datasets. For a collection of web pages, keys may be URLs and values may be the actual HTML content. For a graph, keys may represent node ids and values may contain the adjacency lists of those nodes (see Chapter 5 for more details). In some algorithms, input keys are not particularly meaningful and are simply ignored during processing, while in other cases input keys are used to uniquely identify a datum (such as a record id). In Chapter 3, we discuss the role of complex keys and values in the design of various algorithms. In MapReduce, the programmer defines a mapper and a reducer with the following signatures: map: (k1, v1) → [(k2, v2)] reduce: (k2, [v2]) → [(k3, v3)] The convention [. . .] is used throughout this book to denote a list. The input to a MapReduce job starts as data stored on the underlying distributed file system (see Section 2.5). The mapper is applied to every input key-value pair (split across an arbitrary number of files) to generate an arbitrary number of intermediate key-value pairs. The reducer is applied to all values associated with the same intermediate key to generate output key-value pairs.8 Implicit between the map and reduce phases is a distributed “group by” operation on intermediate keys. Intermediate data arrive at each reducer in order, sorted by the key. However, no ordering relationship is guaranteed for keys across different reducers. Output key-value pairs from each reducer are written persistently back onto the distributed file system (whereas intermediate key-value pairs are transient and not preserved). The output ends up in r files on the distributed file system, where r is the number of reducers. For the most part, there is no need to consolidate reducer output, since the r files often serve as input to yet another MapReduce job. Figure 2.2 illustrates this two-stage processing structure. A simple word count algorithm in MapReduce is shown in Figure 2.3. This algorithm counts the number of occurrences of every word in a text collection, which may be the first step in, for example, building a unigram language model (i.e., probability


distribution over words in a collection). Input key-values pairs take the form of (docid, doc) pairs stored on the distributed file system, where the former is a unique identifier for the document, and the latter is the text of the document itself. The mapper takes an input key-value pair, tokenizes the document, and emits an intermediate key-value pair for every word: the word itself serves as the key, and the integer one serves as the value (denoting that we’ve seen the word once). The MapReduce execution framework guarantees that all values associated with the same key are brought together in the reducer. Therefore, in our word count algorithm, we simply need to sum up all counts (ones) associated with each word. The reducer does exactly this, and emits final keyvalue pairs with the word as the key, and the count as the value. Final output is written to the distributed file system, one file per reducer. Words within each file will be sorted by alphabetical order, and each file will contain roughly the same number of words. The partitioner, which we discuss later in Section 2.4, controls the assignment of words to reducers. The output can be examined by the programmer or used as input to another MapReduce program.

There are some differences between the Hadoop implementation of MapReduce and Google’s implementation.9 In Hadoop, the reducer is presented with a key and an iterator over all values associated with the particular key. The values are arbitrarily ordered. Google’s implementation allows the programmer to specify a secondary sort key for ordering the values (if desired)—in which case values associated with each key would be presented to the developer’s reduce code in sorted order. Later in Section 3.4 we discuss how to overcome this limitation in Hadoop to perform secondary sorting. Another difference: in Google’s implementation the programmer is not allowed to change the key in the reducer. That is, the reducer output key must be exactly the same as the reducer input key. In Hadoop, there is no such restriction, and the reducer can emit an arbitrary number of output key-value pairs (with different keys).

To provide a bit more implementation detail: pseudo-code provided in this book roughly mirrors how MapReduce programs are written in Hadoop. Mappers and reducers are objects that implement the Map and Reduce methods, respectively. In Hadoop, a mapper object is initialized for each map task (associated with a particular sequence of key-value pairs called an input split) and the Map method is called on each key-value pair by the execution framework. In configuring a MapReduce job, the programmer provides a hint on the number of map tasks to run, but the execution framework (see next section) makes the final determination based on the physical layout of the data (more details in Section 2.5 and Section 2.6). The situation is similar for the reduce phase: a reducer object is initialized for each reduce task, and the Reduce method is called once per intermediate key. In contrast with the number of map tasks, the programmer can precisely specify the number of reduce tasks. We will return to discuss the details of Hadoop job execution in Section 2.6, which is dependent on an understanding of the distributed file system (covered in Section 2.5). To reiterate: although the presentation of algorithms in this book closely mirrors the way they would be implemented in Hadoop, our focus is on algorithm design and conceptual understanding—not actual Hadoop programming. For that, we would recommend Tom White’s book [154]. What are the restrictions on mappers and reducers? Mappers and reducers can express arbitrary computations over their inputs. However, one must generally be careful about use of external resources since multiple mappers or reducers may be contending for those resources. For example, it may be unwise for a mapper to query an external SQL database, since that would introduce a scalability bottleneck on the number of map tasks that could be run in parallel (since they might all be simultaneously querying the database).10 In general, mappers can emit an arbitrary number of intermediate key-value pairs, and they need not be of the same type as the input key-value pairs. Similarly, reducers can emit an arbitrary number of final key-value pairs, and they can differ in type from the intermediate key-value pairs. Although not permitted in functional programming, mappers and reducers can have side effects. This is a powerful and useful feature: for example, preserving state across multiple inputs is central to the design of many MapReduce algorithms (see Chapter 3). Such algorithms can be understood as having side effects that only change state that is internal to the mapper or reducer. While the correctness of such algorithms may be more difficult to guarantee (since the function’s behavior depends not only on the current input but on previous inputs), most potential synchronization problems are avoided since internal state is private only to individual mappers and reducers. In other cases (see Section 4.4 and Section 6.5), it may be useful for mappers or reducers to have external side effects, such as writing files to the distributed file system. Since many mappers and reducers are run in parallel, and the distributed file system is a shared global resource, special care must be taken to ensure that such operations avoid synchronization conflicts. One strategy is to write a temporary file that is renamed upon successful completion of the mapper or reducer .

In addition to the “canonical” MapReduce processing flow, other variations are also possible. MapReduce programs can contain no reducers, in which case mapper output is directly written to disk (one file per mapper). For embarrassingly parallel problems, e.g., parse a large text collection or independently analyze a large number of images, this would be a common pattern. The converse—a MapReduce program with no mappers—is not possible, although in some cases it is useful for the mapper to implement the identity function and simply pass input key-value pairs to the reducers. This has the effect of sorting and regrouping the input for reduce-side processing. Similarly, in some cases it is useful for the reducer to implement the identity function, in which case the program simply sorts and groups mapper output. Finally, running identity mappers and reducers has the effect of regrouping and resorting the input data (which is sometimes useful).

Although in the most common case, input to a MapReduce job comes from data stored on the distributed file system and output is written back to the distributed file system, any other system that satisfies the proper abstractions can serve as a data source or sink. With Google’s MapReduce implementation, BigTable [34], a sparse, distributed, persistent multidimensional sorted map, is frequently used as a source of input and as a store of MapReduce output. HBase is an open-source BigTable clone and has similar capabilities. Also, Hadoop has been integrated with existing MPP (massively parallel processing) relational databases, which allows a programmer to write MapReduce jobs over database rows and dump output into a new database table. Finally, in some cases MapReduce jobs may not consume any input at all (e.g., computing Ï€) or may only consume a small amount of data (e.g., input parameters to many instances of processorintensive simulations running in parallel).



We have thus far presented a simplified view of MapReduce. There are two additional elements that complete the programming model: partitioners and combiners. Partitioners are responsible for dividing up the intermediate key space and assigning intermediate key-value pairs to reducers. In other words, the partitioner specifies the task to which an intermediate key-value pair must be copied. Within each reducer, keys are processed in sorted order (which is how the “group by” is implemented). The simplest partitioner involves computing the hash value of the key and then taking the mod of that value with the number of reducers. This assigns approximately the same number of keys to each reducer (dependent on the quality of the hash function). Note, however, that the partitioner only considers the key and ignores the value—therefore, a roughly-even partitioning of the key space may nevertheless yield large differences in the number of key-values pairs sent to each reducer (since different keys may have different numbers of associated values). This imbalance in the amount of data associated with each key is relatively common in many text processing applications due to the Zipfian distribution of word occurrences.

Combiners are an optimization in MapReduce that allow for local aggregation before the shuffle and sort phase. We can motivate the need for combiners by considering the word count algorithm in Figure 2.3, which emits a key-value pair for each word in the collection. Furthermore, all these key-value pairs need to be copied across the network, and so the amount of intermediate data will be larger than the input collection itself. This is clearly inefficient. One solution is to perform local aggregation on the output of each mapper, i.e., to compute a local count for a word over all the documents processed by the mapper. With this modification (assuming the maximum amount of local aggregation possible), the number of intermediate key-value pairs will be at most the number of unique words in the collection times the number of mappers (and typically far smaller because each mapper may not encounter every word).

smaller because each mapper may not encounter every word). The combiner in MapReduce supports such an optimization. One can think of combiners as “mini-reducers” that take place on the output of the mappers, prior to the shuffle and sort phase. Each combiner operates in isolation and therefore does not have access to intermediate output from other mappers. The combiner is provided keys and values associated with each key (the same types as the mapper output keys and values). Critically, one cannot assume that a combiner will have the opportunity to process all values associated with the same key. The combiner can emit any number of key-value pairs, but the keys and values must be of the same type as the mapper output (same as the reducer input).12 In cases where an operation is both associative and commutative (e.g., addition or multiplication), reducers can directly serve as combiners. In general, however, reducers and combiners are not interchangeable.

In many cases, proper use of combiners can spell the difference between an impractical algorithm and an efficient algorithm. This topic will be discussed in Section 3.1, which focuses on various techniques for local aggregation. It suffices to say for now that a combiner can significantly reduce the amount of data that needs to be copied over the network, resulting in much faster algorithms. The complete MapReduce model is shown in Figure 2.4. Output of the mappers are processed by the combiners, which perform local aggregation to cut down on the number of intermediate key[1]value pairs. The partitioner determines which reducer will be responsible for processing a particular key, and the execution framework uses this information to copy the data to the right location during the shuffle and sort phase.13 Therefore, a complete MapReduce job consists of code for the mapper, reducer, combiner, and partitioner, along with job configuration parameters. The execution framework handles everything else.


MapReduce sorts intermediate key-value pairs by the keys during the shuffle and sort phase, which is very convenient if computations inside the reducer rely on sort order (e.g., the order inversion design pattern described in the previous section). However, what if in addition to sorting by key, we also need to sort by value? Google’s MapReduce implementation provides built-in functionality for (optional) secondary sorting, which guarantees that values arrive in sorted order. Hadoop, unfortunately, does not have this capability built in.

Consider the example of sensor data from a scientific experiment: there are m sensors each taking readings on continuous basis, where m is potentially a large number. A dump of the sensor data might look something like the following, where rx after each timestamp represents the actual sensor readings (unimportant for this discussion, but may be a series of values, one or more complex records, or even raw bytes of images).

(t1, m1, r80521)

(t1, m2, r14209)

(t1, m3, r76042) ...

(t2, m1, r21823)

(t2, m2, r66508)

(t2, m3, r98347)

Suppose we wish to reconstruct the activity at each individual sensor over time. A MapReduce program to accomplish this might map over the raw data and emit the sensor id as the intermediate key, with the rest of each record as the value:

m1 → (t1, r80521)

This would bring all readings from the same sensor together in the reducer. However, since MapReduce makes no guarantees about the ordering of values associated with the same key, the sensor readings will not likely be in temporal order. The most obvious solution is to buffer all the readings in memory and then sort by timestamp before additional processing. However, it should be apparent by now that any in-memory buffering of data introduces a potential scalability bottleneck. What if we are working with a high frequency sensor or sensor readings over a long period of time? What if the sensor readings themselves are large complex objects? This approach may not scale in these cases—the reducer would run out of memory trying to buffer all values associated with the same key.

This is a common problem, since in many applications we wish to first group together data one way (e.g., by sensor id), and then sort within the groupings another way (e.g., by time). Fortunately, there is a general purpose solution, which we call the “value-to-key conversion” design pattern. The basic idea is to move part of the value into the intermediate key to form a composite key, and let the MapReduce execution framework handle the sorting. In the above example, instead of emitting the sensor id as the key, we would emit the sensor id and the timestamp as a composite key: (m1, t1) → (r80521).

The sensor reading itself now occupies the value. We must define the intermediate key sort order to first sort by the sensor id (the left element in the pair) and then by the timestamp (the right element in the pair). We must also implement a custom partitioner so that all pairs associated with the same sensor are shuffled to the same reducer. Properly orchestrated, the key-value pairs will be presented to the reducer in the correct sorted order: (m1, t1) → [(r80521)] (m1, t2) → [(r21823)] (m1, t3) → [(r146925)] . . .

However, note that sensor readings are now split across multiple keys. The reducer will need to preserve state and keep track of when readings associated with the current sensor end and the next sensor begin.9 The basic tradeoff between the two approaches discussed above (buffer and inmemory sort vs. value-to-key conversion) is where sorting is performed. One can explicitly implement secondary sorting in the reducer, which is likely to be faster but suffers from a scalability bottleneck.10 With value-to-key conversion, sorting is offloaded to the MapReduce execution framework. Note that this approach can be arbitrarily extended to tertiary, quaternary, etc. sorting. This pattern results in many more keys for the framework to sort, but distributed sorting is a task that the MapReduce runtime excels at since it lies at the heart of the programming model.



We return to the question of how postings are actually compressed and stored on disk. This chapter devotes a substantial amount of space to this topic because index compression is one of the main differences between a “toy” indexer and one that works on real-world collections. Otherwise, MapReduce inverted indexing algorithms are pretty straightforward.

Let us consider the canonical case where each posting consists of a document id and the term frequency. A na¨Ä±ve implementation might represent the first as a 32-bit integer9 and the second as a 16-bit integer. Thus, a postings list might be encoded as follows: [(5, 2),(7, 3),(12, 1),(49, 1),(51, 2), . . .]

where each posting is represented by a pair in parentheses. Note that all brackets, parentheses, and commas are only included to enhance readability; in reality the postings would be represented as a long stream of integers. This na¨Ä±ve implementation would require six bytes per posting. Using this scheme, the entire inverted index would be about as large as the collection itself. Fortunately, we can do significantly better. The first trick is to encode differences between document ids as opposed to the document ids themselves. Since the postings are sorted by document ids, the differences (called d-gaps) must be positive integers greater than zero. The above postings list, represented with d-gaps, would be: [(5, 2),(2, 3),(5, 1),(37, 1),(2, 2)

Of course, we must actually encode the first document id. We haven’t lost any information, since the original document ids can be easily reconstructed from the d-gaps. However, it’s not obvious that we’ve reduced the space requirements either, since the largest possible d-gap is one less than the number of documents in the collection. This is where the second trick comes in, which is to represent the d-gaps in a way such that it takes less space for smaller numbers. Similarly, we want to apply the same techniques to compress the term frequencies, since for the most part they are also small values. But to understand how this is done, we need to take a slight detour into compression techniques, particularly for coding integers.

Compression, in general, can be characterized as either lossless or lossy: it’s fairly obvious that loseless compression is required in this context. To start, it is important to understand that all compression techniques represent a time–space tradeoff. That is, we reduce the amount of space on disk necessary to store data, but at the cost of extra processor cycles that must be spent coding and decoding data. Therefore, it is possible that compression reduces size but also slows processing. However, if the two factors are properly balanced (i.e., decoding speed can keep up with disk bandwidth), we can achieve the best of both worlds: smaller and faster.



Having completed our slight detour into integer compression techniques, we can now return to the scalable inverted indexing algorithm shown in Figure 4.4 and discuss how postings lists can be properly compressed. As we can see from the previous section, there is a wide range of choices that represent different tradeoffs between compression ratio and decoding speed. Actual performance also depends on characteristics of the collection, which, among other factors, determine the distribution of d-gaps. B¨uttcher et al. [30] recently compared the performance of various compression techniques on coding document ids. In terms of the amount of compression that can be obtained (measured in bits per docid), Golomb and Rice codes performed the best, followed by γ codes, Simple-9, varInt, and group varInt (the least space efficient). In terms of raw decoding speed, the order was almost the reverse: group varInt was the fastest, followed by varInt.14 Simple-9 was substantially slower, and the bit-aligned codes were even slower than that. Within the bit-aligned codes, Rice codes were the fastest, followed by γ, with Golomb codes being the slowest (about ten times slower than group varInt).

Let us discuss what modifications are necessary to our inverted indexing algorithm if we were to adopt Golomb compression for d-gaps and represent term frequencies with γ codes. Note that this represents a space-efficient encoding, at the cost of slower decoding compared to alternatives. Whether or not this is actually a worthwhile tradeoff in practice is not important here: use of Golomb codes serves a pedagogical purpose, to illustrate how one might set compression parameters.

Coding term frequencies with γ codes is easy since they are parameterless. Compressing d-gaps with Golomb codes, however, is a bit tricky, since two parameters are required: the size of the document collection and the number of postings for a particular postings list (i.e., the document frequency, or df). The first is easy to obtain and can be passed into the reducer as a constant. The df of a term, however, is not known until all the postings have been processed—and unfortunately, the parameter must be known before any posting is coded. At first glance, this seems like a chicken-and-egg problem. A two-pass solution that involves first buffering the postings (in memory) would suffer from the memory bottleneck we’ve been trying to avoid in the first place.

To get around this problem, we need to somehow inform the reducer of a term’s df before any of its postings arrive. This can be solved with the order inversion design pattern introduced in Section 3.3 to compute relative frequencies. The solution is to have the mapper emit special keys of the form ht, i to communicate partial document frequencies. That is, inside the mapper, in addition to emitting intermediate key-value pairs of the following form:

(tuple ht, docidi,tf f)

we also emit special intermediate key-value pairs like this:

(tuple ht, i, df e)

to keep track of document frequencies associated with each term. In practice, we can accomplish this by applying the in-mapper combining design pattern (see Section 3.1). The mapper holds an in-memory associative array that keeps track of how many documents a term has been observed in (i.e., the local document frequency of the term for the subset of documents processed by the mapper). Once the mapper has processed all input records, special keys of the form ht, i are emitted with the partial df as the value.

To ensure that these special keys arrive first, we define the sort order of the tuple so that the special symbol precedes all documents (part of the order inversion design pattern). Thus, for each term, the reducer will first encounter the ht, i key, associated with a list of values representing partial df values originating from each mapper. Summing all these partial contributions will yield the term’s df, which can then be used to set the Golomb compression parameter b. This allows the postings to be incrementally compressed as they are encountered in the reducer—memory bottlenecks are eliminated since we do not need to buffer postings in memory.

Once again, the order inversion design pattern comes to the rescue. Recall that the pattern is useful when a reducer needs to access the result of a computation (e.g., an aggregate statistic) before it encounters the data necessary to produce that computation. For computing relative frequencies, that bit of information was the marginal. In this case, it’s the document frequency.



One of the most common and well-studied problems in graph theory is the single-source shortest path problem, where the task is to find shortest paths from a source node to all other nodes in the graph (or alternatively, edges can be associated with costs or weights, in which case the task is to compute lowest-cost or lowest-weight paths). Such problems are a staple in undergraduate algorithm courses, where students are taught the solution using Dijkstra’s algorithm. However, this famous algorithm assumes sequential processing—how would we solve this problem in parallel, and more specifically, with MapReduce?

Dijkstra(G, w, s)

2: d[s] ← 0

3: for all vertex v V do

4: d[v] ← ∞

5: Q ← {V }

6: while Q 6= do

7: u ← ExtractMin(Q)

8: for all vertex v u.AdjacencyList do

9: if d[v] > d[u] + w(u, v) then

10: d[v] ← d[u] + w(u, v)

Figure 5.2: Pseudo-code for Dijkstra’s algorithm, which is based on maintaining a global priority queue of nodes with priorities equal to their distances from the source node. At each iteration, the algorithm expands the node with the shortest distance and updates distances to all reachable nodes. As a refresher and also to serve as a point of comparison, Dijkstra’s algorithm is shown in Figure 5.2, adapted from Cormen, Leiserson, and Rivest’s classic algorithms textbook [41] (often simply known as CLR). The input to the algorithm is a directed, connected graph G = (V, E) represented with adjacency lists, w containing edge distances such that w(u, v) ≥ 0, and the source node s. The algorithm begins by first setting distances to all vertices d[v], v V to ∞, except for the source node, whose distance to itself is zero. The algorithm maintains Q, a global priority queue of vertices with priorities equal to their distance values d

Dijkstra’s algorithm operates by iteratively selecting the node with the lowest current distance from the priority queue (initially, this is the source node). At each iteration, the algorithm “expands” that node by traversing the adjacency list of the selected node to see if any of those nodes can be reached with a path of a shorter distance. The algorithm terminates when the priority queue Q is empty, or equivalently, when all nodes have been considered. Note that the algorithm as presented in Figure 5.2 only computes the shortest distances. The actual paths can be recovered by storing “backpointers” for every node indicating a fragment of the shortest path.

A sample trace of the algorithm running on a simple graph is shown in Figure 5.3 (example also adapted from CLR). We start out in (a) with n1 having a distance of zero (since it’s the source) and all other nodes having a distance of ∞. In the first iteration (a), n1 is selected as the node to expand (indicated by the thicker border). After the expansion, we see in (b) that n2 and n3 can be reached at a distance of 10 and 5, respectively. Also, we see in (b) that n3 is the next node selected for expansion. Nodes we have already considered for expansion are shown in black. Expanding n3, we see in (c) that the distance to n2 has decreased because we’ve found a shorter path. The nodes that will be expanded next, in order, are n5, n2, and n4. The algorithm terminates with the end state shown in (f), where we’ve discovered the shortest distance to all nodes.

The key to Dijkstra’s algorithm is the priority queue that maintains a globallysorted list of nodes by current distance. This is not possible in MapReduce, as the programming model does not provide a mechanism for exchanging global data. Instead, we adopt a brute force approach known as parallel breadth-first search. First, as a simplification let us assume that all edges have unit distance (modeling, for example, hyperlinks on the web). This makes the algorithm easier to understand, but we’ll relax this restriction later.

The intuition behind the algorithm is this: the distance of all nodes connected directly to the source node is one; the distance of all nodes directly connected to those is two; and so on. Imagine water rippling away from a rock dropped into a pond— that’s a good image of how parallel breadth-first search works. However, what if there are multiple paths to the same node? Suppose we wish to compute the shortest distance to node n. The shortest path must go through one of the nodes in M that contains an outgoing edge to n: we need to examine all m M to find ms, the node with the shortest distance. The shortest distance to n is the distance to ms plus one.

Pseudo-code for the implementation of the parallel breadth-first search algorithm is provided in Figure 5.4. As with Dijkstra’s algorithm, we assume a connected, directed graph represented as adjacency lists. Distance to each node is directly stored alongside the adjacency list of that node, and initialized to ∞ for all nodes except for the source node. In the pseudo-code, we use n to denote the node id (an integer) and N to denote the node’s corresponding data structure (adjacency list and current distance). The algorithm works by mapping over all nodes and emitting a key-value pair for each neighbor on the node’s adjacency list. The key contains the node id of the neighbor, and the value is the current distance to the node plus one. This says: if we can reach node n with a distance d, then we must be able to reach all the nodes that are connected to n with distance d + 1.

After shuffle and sort, reducers will receive keys corresponding to the destination node ids and distances corresponding to all paths leading to that node. The reducer will select the shortest of these distances and then update the distance in the node data structure.

h iteration corresponds to a MapReduce job. The first time we run the algorithm, we “discover” all nodes that are connected to the source. The second iteration, we discover all nodes connected to those, and so on. Each iteration of the algorithm expands the “search frontier” by one hop, and, eventually, all nodes will be discovered with their shortest distances (assuming a fully-connected graph). Before we discuss termination of the algorithm, there is one more detail required to make the parallel breadth-first search algorithm work. We need to “pass along” the graph structure from one iteration to the next. This is accomplished by emitting the node data structure itself, with the node id as a key (Figure 5.4, line 4 in the mapper). In the reducer, we must distinguish the node data structure from distance values (Figure 5.4, lines 5–6 in the reducer), and update the minimum distance in the node data structure before emitting it as the final value. The final output is now ready to serve as input to the next iteration.

So how many iterations are necessary to compute the shortest distance to all nodes? The answer is the diameter of the graph, or the greatest distance between any pair of nodes. This number is surprisingly small for many real-world problems: the saying “six degrees of separation” suggests that everyone on the planet is connected to everyone else by at most six steps (the people a person knows are one step away, people that they know are two steps away, etc.). If this is indeed true, then parallel breadthfirst search on the global social network would take at most six MapReduce iterations.

class Mapper

2: method Map(nid n, node N)

3: d ← N.Distance

4: Emit(nid n, N) . Pass along graph structure

5: for all nodeid m N.AdjacencyList do

6: Emit(nid m, d + 1) . Emit distances to reachable nodes

1: class Reducer

2: method Reduce(nid m, [d1, d2, . . .])

3: dmin ← ∞

4: M ←

5: for all d counts [d1, d2, . . .] do

6: if IsNode(d) then

7: M ← d . Recover graph structure

8: else if d < dmin then . Look for shorter distance

9: dmin ← d

10: M.Distance ← dmin . Update shortest distance

11: Emit(nid m, node M)

Figure 5.4: Pseudo-code for parallel breath-first search in MapReduce: the mappers emit distances to reachable nodes, while the reducers select the minimum of those distances for each destination node. Each iteration (one MapReduce job) of the algorithm expands the “search frontier” by one hop.

For more serious academic studies of “small world” phenomena in networks, we refer the reader to a number of publications [61, 62, 152, 2]. In practical terms, we iterate the algorithm until there are no more node distances that are ∞. Since the graph is connected, all nodes are reachable, and since all edge distances are one, all discovered nodes are guaranteed to have the shortest distances (i.e., there is not a shorter path that goes through a node that hasn’t been discovered).

The actual checking of the termination condition must occur outside of MapReduce. Typically, execution of an iterative MapReduce algorithm requires a nonMapReduce “driver” program, which submits a MapReduce job to iterate the algorithm, checks to see if a termination condition has been met, and if not, repeats. Hadoop provides a lightweight API for constructs called “counters”, which, as the name suggests, can be used for counting events that occur during execution, e.g., number of corrupt records, number of times a certain condition is met, or anything that the programmer desires. Counters can be defined to count the number of nodes that have distances of ∞: at the end of the job, the driver program can access the final counter value and check to see if another iteration is necessary.

Finally, as with Dijkstra’s algorithm in the form presented earlier, the parallel breadth-first search algorithm only finds the shortest distances, not the actual shortest paths. However, the path can be straightforwardly recovered. Storing “backpointers” at each node, as with Dijkstra’s algorithm, will work, but may not be efficient since the graph needs to be traversed again to reconstruct the path segments. A simpler approach is to emit paths along with distances in the mapper, so that each node will have its shortest path easily accessible at all times. The additional space requirements for shuffling these data from mappers to reducers are relatively modest, since for the most part paths (i.e., sequence of node ids) are relatively short.

Up until now, we have been assuming that all edges are unit distance. Let us relax that restriction and see what changes are required in the parallel breadth-first search algorithm. The adjacency lists, which were previously lists of node ids, must now encode the edge distances as well. In line 6 of the mapper code in Figure 5.4, instead of emitting d + 1 as the value, we must now emit d + w where w is the edge distance. No other changes to the algorithm are required, but the termination behavior is very different. To illustrate, consider the graph fragment in Figure 5.5, where s is the source node, and in this iteration, we just “discovered” node r for the very first time. Assume for the sake of argument that we’ve already discovered the shortest distance to node p, and that the shortest distance to r so far goes through p. This, however, does not guarantee that we’ve discovered the shortest distance to r, since there may exist a path going through q that we haven’t encountered yet (because it lies outside the search frontier).6 However, as the search frontier expands, we’ll eventually cover q and all other nodes along the path from p to q to r—which means that with sufficient iterations, we will discover the shortest distance to r. But how do we know that we’ve found the shortest distance to p? Well, if the shortest path to p lies within the search frontier, we would have already discovered it. And if it doesn’t, the above argument applies. Similarly, we can repeat the same argument for all nodes on the path from s to p. The conclusion is that, with sufficient iterations, we’ll eventually discover all the shortest distances.

So exactly how many iterations does “eventually” mean? In the worst case, we might need as many iterations as there are nodes in the graph minus one. In fact, it is not difficult to construct graphs that will elicit this worse-case behavior: Figure 5.6 provides an example, with n1 as the source. The parallel breadth-first search algorithm would not discover that the shortest path from n1 to n6 goes through n3, n4, and n5 until the fifth iteration. Three more iterations are necessary to cover the rest of the graph. Fortunately, for most real-world graphs, such extreme cases are rare, and the number of iterations necessary to discover all shortest distances is quite close to the diameter of the graph, as in the unit edge distance case.

In practical terms, how do we know when to stop iterating in the case of arbitrary edge distances? The algorithm can terminate when shortest distances at every node no longer change. Once again, we can use counters to keep track of such events. Every time we encounter a shorter distance in the reducer, we increment a counter. At the end of each MapReduce iteration, the driver program reads the counter value and determines if another iteration is necessary.

Compared to Dijkstra’s algorithm on a single processor, parallel breadth-first search in MapReduce can be characterized as a brute force approach that “wastes” a lot of time performing computations whose results are discarded. At each iteration, the algorithm attempts to recompute distances to all nodes, but in reality only useful work is done along the search frontier: inside the search frontier, the algorithm is simply repeating previous computations.7 Outside the search frontier, the algorithm hasn’t discovered any paths to nodes there yet, so no meaningful work is done. Dijkstra’s algorithm, on the other hand, is far more efficient. Every time a node is explored, we’re guaranteed to have already found the shortest path to it. However, this is made possible by maintaining a global data structure (a priority queue) that holds nodes sorted by distance—this is not possible in MapReduce because the programming model does not provide support for global data that is mutable and accessible by the mappers and reducers. These inefficiencies represent the cost of parallelization.

The parallel breadth-first search algorithm is instructive in that it represents the prototypical structure of a large class of graph algorithms in MapReduce. They share in the following characteristics:

The graph structure is represented with adjacency lists, which is part of some larger node data structure that may contain additional information (variables to store intermediate output, features of the nodes). In many cases, features are attached to edges as well (e.g., edge weights).

The graph structure is represented with adjacency lists, which is part of some larger node data structure that may contain additional information (variables to store intermediate output, features of the nodes). In many cases, features are attached to edges as well (e.g., edge weights).

In addition to computations, the graph itself is also passed from the mapper to the reducer. In the reducer, the data structure corresponding to each node is updated and written back to disk.

Graph algorithms in MapReduce are generally iterative, where the output of the previous iteration serves as input to the next iteration. The process is controlled by a non-MapReduce driver program that checks for termination.

For parallel breadth-first search, the mapper computation is the current distance plus edge distance (emitting distances to neighbors), while the reducer computation is the Min function (selecting the shortest path). As we will see in the next section, the MapReduce algorithm for PageRank works in much the same way.

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