Name of Institution
Central Potato Research Institute,
Shimla, Himachal Pradesh (www.nbri.res.in/)
Research Areas
Development of Varieties; Sustainable
Technologies for enhancing Productivity & Utilization of Potato
Contact Person
Dr Bir Pal Singh, Director Tel.:+
91-177-2625073 Fax: +91-177-2624460 Email: dircpri@icar.org.in, dircpri@sancharnet.in
Name of Institution
Central Plantation Crops Research
Institute, Krishnapuram, Kerala (www.cpcri.gov.in/)
Research Areas
Crop Improvement; Production;
Protection; Plant Physiology Biochemistry & PHT; Social Science
Contact Person
Dr. George V. Thomas, Director Tel.:
+ 91-177-2625073, + 91- 4994-232333 (O), Ext: 222 Mobile: 9446051847 Email:
directorcpcri@gmail.com, georgevthomas@yahoo.com
Name of Institution
Indian Institute of Crop Processing
Technology, Thanjavur, Tamil Nadu (http://www.iicpt.edu.in/)
Research Areas
Agricultural Process Engineering;
Incubation Center for Processing of Horticultural Crops; Extrusion Technology;
Processing of Cereals, Pulses and Millets; Food Microbiology; Fermentation;
Agricultural Waste and Byproduct Utilization; Food Safety and Quality Testing;
Food Storage; Packaging Technology; Drying; Processing of Spices and Plantation
Crops; Functional Foods and Nutraceuticals; Food Product Development; On-farm
and Rural-Level Gadgets for Food Processing; Renewable Energy for Food
Processing; Technology Dissemination
Contact Person
Dr. K. Singaravadivel Director Tel.:
+ 91-4362-228155, + 91-4362-226676 Mob.: + 91-9750968410 Fax: + 91-4362 227971
Email: director@iicpt.edu.in
Name of Institution
Indian Institute of Vegetable
Research, Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh (www.iivr.org.in/)
Research Areas
Applied research for developing
technologies to enhance productivity of vegetable crops; their nutrient
quality; post harvest management and value addition
Contact Person
Dr. B. Singh, Director Tel.: +
91-542-2635247, + 91- 542-2635236 Fax: + 91-544-3229007 Email: directoriivr@gmail.com
Name of Institution
Central Sheep and Wool Research
Institute, Avikanagar, Rajasthan (http://www.cswri.res.in/th
rust_area_infrastructure.as p)
Research Areas
Sheep and Wool Research
Contact Person
Dr. S.M.K. Naqvi, Director Tel.:
+91-1437- 220162, +91- 1437- 240490, +91-1437- 220295 (R) Fax: +91-1437- 220163
Email: naqvismk@yahoo.co.in, cswriavikanagar@yahoo.com
Name of Institution
Directorate of Cashew Research,
Puttur, Karnataka (www.cashew.res.in/)
Research Areas
Cashew research
Contact Person
Prof. P.Saroj, Director Tel.:
+91-8251 - 231530, +91- 8251 - 230902, +91-8251 - 236490 (O) Fax:
+91-8251–234350 Email: dircajures@gmail.com, dircajures@yahoo.com, dircajures@rediffmail.com
Name of Institution
National Bureau of Fish Genetic
Resources (Indian Council of Agricultural Research), Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh
Research Areas
Development of fish databases;
genetic characterization; gene banks; fish germplasm and habitat inventory;
risks analysis of exotic species; diagnostics for OIE notified pathogens;
aquatic microbes and other areas of germplasm conservation with special focus
on threatened; prioritized and exotic fish species
Contact Person
Dr. J.K. Jena, Director Tel.: (0522)
2442440, 2442441 Fax: (0522) 2442403 Email: nbfgr@sancharnet.in,
director@nbfgr.res.in, jkjena2@rediffmail.com
Name of Institution
Central Tuber Crops Research
Institute, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala (http://www.ctcri.org/)
Research Areas
Development of agro techniques for
tuber crops; development of new varieties of tropical tuber crops; Development
of plant protection technologies; Development of processing technologies to add
value to tuber crops and machinery for cost effective processing
Contact Person
Dr. S.K. Chakrabarti, Director Tel.:
0471-2598431 Fax: 0471-2590063 Email: skc_cpri@yahoo.co.in
Name of Institution
International Crops Research
Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics, (ICRISAT) Hyderabad, Telangana
Research Areas
Crops genomics and molecular breeding
Contact Person
Dr. Rajeev K Varshney, Research
Program DirectorGrain Legumes and Director, Center of Excellence in Genomics
Tel.: 040-30713305 Email: r.k.varshney@cgiar.org
Name of Institution
National Centre for Integrated Pest
Management (ICAR), Delhi (www.ncipm.org.in/)
Research Areas
Pest Management
Contact Person
Dr. Lal Bahadur Shastri Tel.:
91-11-25843935 Fax: 91-11-25841472 Email: ipmnet@ncipm.org.in
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