Name of Institution
Indian Institute of Spices Research,
Kozhikode (Calicut), Kerala (http://www.spices.res.in/)
Research Areas
Collection, conservation, evaluation
and cataloging of germplasm; Development of varieties of high yield, quality
and resistance to biotic and abiotic stresses through conventional and
biotechnological approaches; Standardizing propagation methods to ensure large
scale production and distribution of high yielding genotypes; Development of
agrotechniques for increasing production and productivity. Integrated pest and
disease management; Post harvest technology; Socio-economic aspects of
cultivation, marketing and information dissemination in spices; Investigation
on nutraceuticals and pharmacokinetics aspects of spices.
Contact Person
Dr. M. Anandaraj, Director Tel.:
91-9447132294 Email: anandaraj@spices.res.in
Name of institution
Kakatiya University, Department of
Biotechnology and Department of Botany, Warangal, Andhra Pradesh
Research Areas
Plant tissue culture; Protoplast
Culture; Embryo Rescue; In Vitro Mutagenesis; Genetic Engineering; Molecular
Biology; Transgenic Technology; Transplastome Technology; Rootknot Nematode
interactions; Nitrogen fixation; Telomerase and Cancer Detection; Biomedical
Studies; Biodesulphurization and Molecular Markers; Cytology; Cytogenetics and
Mutation Breeding; Genetics and Plant breeding; Comparative Morphology;
Chemotaxanomy and Palynology; Reproductive Biology; Phycology and Hydrobiology;
Mycology & Plant Pathology; Microbiology; Physiology & Tissue Culture;
Radiation Botany; Taxonomy and Floristics; Ecology and Plant Biotechnology and
Genetic transformation
Contact Person
Dr. A.V. Rao, Head of the
Biotechnology Department Tel.: 0091-0870-2461455 Email: vrao_allini@yahoo.com
Prof. A Ragan, Department of Botany Email: raganajmeera@yahoo.co.in
Name of institution
Central Institute for Cotton
Research, Nagpur, Maharashtra (www.cicr.org.in/)
Research Areas
Crop Improvement, Crop Production,
Crop Protection, Post Harvest Technology
Contact Person
Dr. K. R. Kranthi, Director Email: krkranthi@gmail.com
Name of institution
Central Institute for Research on
Cotton Technology (CIRCOT), Mumbai, Maharashtra (http://www.circot.res.in/)
Research Areas
Improvement in Ginning of cotton;
Improvement and Quality Evaluation of Fibre; Yarn and Fabric; Finishing and
Dyeing of Cotton with Natural and Environment Friendly Agents; Utilisation of
Cotton Plant Residues for Production of Value Added Products; Development of
Entrepreneurship for Utilisation of CIRCOT Technologies
Contact Person
Dr. P. G. Patil, Acting Director
Email: pgpatil_ngp@yahoo.co.in
Name of institution
Directorate of Cashewnut & Cocoa,
Agri, Kerala (www. dccd.gov.in/)
Research Areas
Cocoa production and processing
Contact Person
Dr. Venkatesh N. Hubballi, Director
& Transparency Officer Tel.: 0484 - 2377151 (O) Fax: 0484-2377239 Email :
Name of institution
National Research Center on Plant
Biotechnology, Pusa Campus, New Delhi (www.nrcpb.org)
Research Areas
Genetic engineering for biotic resistance;
exploitation of heterosis for enhancement of crop productivity; molecular
breeding to unlock the genetic potential from diverse germplasm and integrate
in cultivated crop varieties; various crop and microbe genome sequencing
Contact Person
Dr. T. R. Sharma, Project Director
Tel.: 011-25848783, 011- 25841787, 011-25843554 Fax: +91 +11 25843984 Email:
pdnrcpb@gmail.com, pdnrcpb@nrcpb.org
Name of institution
Tamil Nadu Veterinary and Animal
Sciences University, Chennai, Tamil Nadu (www.tanuvas.tn.nic.in)
Research Areas
Animal Biotechnology; Animal
Sciences(Research); Animal Health
Contact Person
Director of Research Tel.:
+91-44-2555 1583 EPBX: +91-44-2555 1586/1587 Email: dr@tanuvas.org.in drtanuvas@rediffmail.com
Name of institution
National Institute of Veterinary
Epidemiology and Disease (NIVEDI), Bengaluru, Karnataka (www.pdadmas.ernet.in)
Research Areas
Epidemiological investigation of
livestock diseases; National Animal Disease Referral Expert System ; Prevalence
of Leptospira inadai subspecies in man and animals in India identified
Contact Person
Dr H. Rahman Tel.: +91 80 2351 4330,
2341 9576 / 2341 2531 Email: director@pdadmas.ernet.in
Name of institution
Indian Institute of Soil Science,
(IISS), Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh (http://www.iiss.nic.in/)
Research Areas
Environmental soil science; Soil
Chemistry and fertility; Study of Organic and inorganic nutrient sources affect
soil biological activity; effect on runoff; soil and nitrogen losses; Crop
productivity in organic farming; Soil physics.
Contact Person
Dr. A.K. Patra, Director, Tel.:
0755-2730946 Fax: 0755-2733310 Email: director@iiss.res.in, patraak@gmail.com
Name of institution
Department of Zoology, University of
Delhi, Delhi (ww.du.ac.in)
Research Areas
Pesticide toxicology; bioremediation
of pesticide molecules and heavy metals; soil microbial ecology; soil microbial
taxonomy; soil health and soil fertility; waste water treatment; food and feed
Contact Person
Dr. Dileep Kumar Singh Tel.:
91-11-27667191 (Office) Email: dileepksingh@gmail.com, dksingh@zoology.du.ac.in
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