Big Data Applications
Abstract In the previous chapter, we examined big data
analysis, which is the final and most important phase of the value chain of big
data. Big data analysis can provide useful values via judgments,
recommendations, supports, or decisions. However, data analysis involves a wide
range of applications, which frequently change and are extremely complex. In
this chapter, the evolution of data sources is reviewed. Then, six of the most
important data analysis fields are examined, including structured data
analysis, text analysis, website analysis, multimedia analysis, network
analysis, and mobile analysis. This chapter is concluded with a discussion of
several key application fields of big data.
6.1 Application
Recently, big data and big data analysis has been proposed
for describing datasets and as analytical technologies in large-scale complex
programs, which need to be analyzed with advanced analytical methods. As a
matter of fact, data driven applications have emerged in the past decades. For
example, as early as 1990s, business intelligence has became a prevailing
technology for business applications and, network search engines based on
massive data mining processing emerged in the early twenty-first century. Some
potential and influential applications from different fields and their data and
analysis characteristics are discussed as follows.
• Evolution of Commercial Applications: The earliest
business data was generally structured data, which was collected by companies
from old systems and then stored in RDBMSs. Analytical technologies used in
such systems were prevailing in 1990s and was intuitive and simple, e.g.,
reports, instrument panels, special queries, search-based business
intelligence, online transaction processing, inter[1]active visualization,
score cards, predictive modeling, and data mining. Since the beginning of
twenty-first century, networks and websites has been providing a unique
opportunity for organizations to have online display and directly interact with
customers. Abundant products and customer information, including click stream
data logs and user behavior, etc., can be acquired from the websites. Product
layout optimization, customer trade analysis, product suggestions, and market
structure analysis can be conducted by text analysis and website mining technologies.
As reported in, the quantity of mobile phones and tablet PC first surpassed
that of laptops and PCs in 2011. Mobile phones and Internet of Things based on
sensors are opening a new generation of innovation applications, and searching
for larger capacity of supporting location sensing, people oriented, and
context operation.
• Evolution of Network Applications: The early Internet
mainly provided email and webpage services. Text analysis, data mining, and
webpage analysis technologies have been applied to the mining of email contents
and building search engines. Nowadays, most applications are web-based,
regardless of their application field and design goals. Network data accounts
for a major percentage of the global data volume. Web has became a common
platform for interconnected pages, full of various kinds of data, such as text,
images, videos, pictures, and interactive contents, etc. Therefore, plentiful
advanced technologies used for semi-structured or unstructured data emerged at
the right moment. For example, the image analysis technology may extract useful
information from pictures, e.g., face recognition. Multimedia analysis
technologies can be applied to the automated video surveillance systems for
business, law enforcement, and military applications. Since 2004, online social
media, such as Internet forums, online communities, blogs, social networking
services, and social multimedia websites, etc., provide users with great
opportunities to create, upload, and share contents generated by users.
Different user groups may search for daily news and celebrity news, publish
their social and political opinions, and provide different applications with
timely feedback.
• Evolution of Scientific Applications: Scientific research
in many fields is acquiring massive data with high-throughput sensors and
instruments, such as astro[1]physics,
oceanology, genomics, and environmental research. The U.S. National Science
Foundation (NSF) has recently announced the BIGDATA Research Initiative to
promote research efforts to extract knowledge and insights from large and
complex collections of digital data. Some scientific research disciplines have
developed massive data platforms and obtained useful outcomes. For example, in
biology, iPlant applies network infrastructure, physical computing resources,
coordination environment, virtual machine resources, and inter-operative
analysis software and data service to assist researches, educators, and
students in enriching all plant sciences. IPlant dataset have high varieties in
form, including specification or reference data, experimental data, analog or
model data, observation data, and other derived data.
6.2 Big Data Analysis
Data analysis research can be divided into six key technical
fields, i.e., structured data analysis, text data analysis, website data
analysis, multimedia data analysis, network data analysis, and mobile data
analysis. Such a classification aims to emphasize data characteristics, but
some of the fields may utilize similar technolo[1]gies. Since data
analysis has a broad scope and it is not easy to have a comprehensive coverage,
we will focus on the key problems and technologies in data analysis in the
following discussions.
6.2.1 Structured Data
Business applications and scientific research may generate
massive structured data, of which the management and analysis rely on mature
commercialized technologies, such as RDBMS, data warehouse, OLAP, and BPM (Business
Process Management). Data analysis is mainly based on data mining and
statistical analysis, both of which have been well studied over the past 30
Data analysis is still a very active research field and new
application demands drive the development of new methods. Statistical machine
learning based on exact mathematical models and powerful algorithms have been applied
to anomaly detection and energy control. Exploiting data characteristics, time
and space mining may extract knowledge structures hidden in high-speed data
flows and sensor data models and modes. Driven by privacy protection in
e-commerce, e-government, and health care applications, privacy protection data
mining is an emerging research field. Over the past decade, benefited by the
substantial popu[1]larization
of event data, new process discovery, and consistency check technologies,
process mining is becoming a new research field especially in process analysis
with event data.
6.2.2 Text Data
The most common format of information storage is text, e.g.,
email communication, business documents, web pages, and social media.
Therefore, text analysis is deemed to feature more business-based potential
than structured data mining. Generally, tax analysis, also called text mining,
is a process to extract useful information and knowledge from unstructured
text. Text mining is an inter-disciplinary problem, involving information
retrieval, machine learning, statistics, computing linguistics, and data mining
in particular. Most text mining systems are based on text expressions and
natural language processing (NLP), with more focus on the latter.
Document introduction and query processing are the
foundation for developing vector space model, Boolean Retrieval Model, and
probability retrieval model, which constitute the foundation of search engines.
Since the early 1990s, search engines have evolved into a mature business
system, which generally consist of rapidly distributed crawling, effectively
inverted index, webpage sequencing based on inlink, and search log analysis.
NLP can enable computers to analyze, interpret, and even
generate text. Some common NLP methods are: lexical acquisition, word sense
disambiguation, part[1]of-speech
tagging, and probabilistic context free grammar. Some NLP-based technologies
have been applied to text mining, including information extraction, topic
models, text summarization, classification, clustering, question answering, and
opinion mining. Information mining shall automatically extract specific
structured information from texts. Named entity recognition (NER) technology,
as a subtask of information extraction, aims to recognize atomic entities in
texts subordinate to scheduled categories (e.g. figures, places, and
organizations), which have been successfully applied to the development of new
analysis and medical applications recently. The topic models are built
according to the opinion that “documents are constituted by topics and topics
are the probability distribution of vocabulary.” Topic models are models
generated by documents, stipulating the probability program to generate
Presently, various probabilistic topic models have been used
to analyze document contents and lexical meanings. Text summarization is to
generate a reduced summary or extract from a single or several input text
files. Text summarization may be classified into concrete summarization and
abstract summarization. Concrete summarization selects important sentences and
paragraphs from source documents and concentrates them into shorter forms.
Abstract summarization may interpret the source texts and, according to
linguistic methods, use a few words and phrases to represent the source texts.
Text classification is to recognize probabilistic topic of
documents by putting documents in scheduled topics. Text classification based
on the new graph representation and graph mining has recently attracted considerable
interest. Text clustering is used to group similar documents with scheduled
topics, which is different from text classification that gathers documents
together. In text clustering, documents may appear in multiple subtopics.
Generally, some clustering algorithms in data mining can be utilized to compute
the similarities of documents. However, it is also shown that the structural
relationship information may be exploited to improve the clustering performance
in Wikipedia. The question answering system is designed to search for the
optimal answer to a given question. It involves different technologies of
question analysis, source retrieval, answer extraction, and answering
demonstration. The question answering system may be applied in many fields,
including education, website, healthcare, and national defense. Opinion mining,
similar to sentiment analysis, refers to the computing technologies for
identifying and extracting subjective information from news assessment,
comment, and other user-generated contents. It provides opportunities for users
to understand the opinions of the public and customers on social events,
political movements, business strategies, marketing activities, and product
6.2.3 Web Data
Over the past decade, we have witnessed the explosive growth
of Internet information. Web analysis has emerged as an active research field.
Web analysis aims to automatically retrieve, extract, and evaluate information
from Web documents and services so as to discover useful knowledge. Web
analysis is related to several research fields, including database, information
retrieval, NLP, and text mining. According to the different parts of the Web to
be mined, we classify Web analysis into three related fields: Web content
mining, Web structure mining, and Web usage mining.
Web content mining is the process to discover useful
knowledge in Web pages, which generally involve several types of data, such as
text, image, audio, video, code, metadata, and hyperlink.
The research on image, audio, and video mining has recently
been called multimedia analysis, which will be discussed in Sect. 6.2.4. Since
most Web content data is unstructured text data, the research on Web data
analysis mainly centers around text and hypertext. Text mining is discussed in
Sect. 6.2.2, while Hypertext mining involves mining semi-structured HTML files
that contain hyperlinks.
Supervised learning and classification play important roles
in hyperlink mining, e.g., email, newsgroup management, and Web catalogue maintenance.
Web content mining can be conducted with two methods: the information retrieval
method and the database method. Information retrieval mainly assists in or
improves information lookup, or filters user information according to
deductions or configuration documents. The database method aims to simulate and
integrate data in Web, so as to conduct more complex queries than searches
based on key words.
Web structure mining involves models for discovering Web
link structures. Here, the structure refers to the schematic diagrams linked in
a website or among multiple websites. Models are built based on topological
structures provided with hyperlinks with or without link description. Such
models reveal the similarities and correlations among different websites and
are used to classify website pages. Page Rank and CLEVER make full use of the
models to look up related website pages. Topic[1]oriented crawler is
another successful case by utilizing the models. Topic[1]oriented crawler is
targeted at selectively discovering pages related to scheduled topic sets.
Top-oriented crawler may analyze crawling boundary to look for links mostly
related to crawling and to avoid the involvement of irrelevant areas, other
than collecting and indexing all accessible webpage files, so as to answer all
possible Ad-Hoc queries. This way, a great quantity of hardware and network
resources may be saved and crawling updating task may be assisted.
Web usage mining aims to mine auxiliary data generated by
Web dialogues or behaviors. Web content mining and Web structure mining use the
master Web data. Web usage data includes access logs at Web servers, logs at
proxy servers, browsers’ history records, user profiles, registration data,
user sessions or trades, cache, user queries, bookmark data, mouse click and
scroll, and any other kind of data generated through interaction with the Web.
As Web services and the Web2.0 are becoming mature and popular, Web usage data
will have increasingly high variety. Web usage mining plays key roles in
personalized space, e-commerce, network privacy/security, and other emerging
fields. For example, collaborative recommender systems can personalize
e-commerce by utilizing the different preferences of users.
6.2.4 Multimedia Data
Multimedia data (mainly including images, audios, and
videos) have been growing at an amazing speed. Multimedia content sharing is to
extract related knowledge and understand semantemes contained in multimedia
data. Because multimedia data is heterogeneous and most of such data contains
richer information than simple structured data and text data, extracting
information is confronted with the huge challenge of the semantic differences
of multimedia data. Research on multimedia analysis covers many disciplines.
Some recent research priorities include multimedia summarization, multimedia
annotation, multimedia index and retrieval, multimedia suggestion, and
multimedia event detection, etc.
Audio summarization can be accomplished by simply extracting
the prominent words or phrases from metadata or synthesizing a new
representation. Video summarization is to interpret the most important or
representative video content sequence, and it can be static or dynamic. Static
video summarization methods utilize a key frame sequence or context-sensitive
key frames to represent a video. Such methods are very simple and have been
applied to many business appli[1]cations
(e.g., Yahoo!, Alta Visa, and Google), but the playback performance is poor.
Dynamic summarization methods use a series of video clips to represent a video,
configure low-level video functions, and take other smooth measures to make the
final summarization look more natural. In, the authors proposed a
topic-oriented multimedia summarization system (TOMS) that can automatically
summarize the important information in a video belonging to a certain topic
area, based on a given set of extracted features from the video.
Multimedia annotation inserts labels to describe contents of
images and videos in both syntax and semantic levels. With the assistance of
such labels, the manage[1]ment,
summarization, and retrieval of multimedia data can be easily implemented.
Since manual annotation is both time and labor intensive, multimedia automatic
annotation without any human interventions becomes highly appealing. The main
challenge for multimedia automatic annotation is semantic difference, i.e. the
difference between low-level features and annotations. Although much progress
has been made, the performance of the existing automatic annotation methods
still needs to be improved. Currently, many efforts are being made to
synchronously explore both manual and automatic multimedia annotation.
Multimedia index and retrieval involve describing, storing,
and organizing multimedia information and assisting users to conveniently and
quickly look up multimedia resources. Generally, multimedia index and retrieval
include five procedures: structural analysis, feature extraction, data mining,
classification and annotation, query and retrieval. Structural analysis aims to
segment a video into several semantic structural elements, including lens
boundary detection, key frame extraction, and scene segmentation, etc.
According to the result of structural analysis, the second procedure is feature
extraction, which mainly includes further mining the features of necessary key
frames, objects, texts, and movements, which are the foundation of video index
and retrieval. Data mining, classification, and annotation are generated to
utilize the extracted features to find the modes of video contents and put
videos into scheduled categories so as to generate video indexes. Upon
receiving a query, the system will use a similarity measurement method to look
up a candidate video. The retrieval result optimizes the related feedback.
Multimedia recommendation aims to recommend specific
multimedia contents according to users’ preferences. It is proven to be an
effective approach to provide quality personalized services. Most existing
recommendation systems can be classified into content-based systems and
collaborative-filtering-based systems. The content-based methods identify users
or general features in which the users are interested, and recommend users for
other contents with similar features. These methods purely rely on content
similarity measurement but most of them are limited by content analysis and
excessive specifications. The collaborative-filtering-based methods identify
groups with similar interests and recommend contents for group members
according to their behaviors. Presently, a mixed method is introduced, which
integrates advantages of the aforementioned two types of methods to improve the
recommendation quality.
The U.S. NIST initiated the TREC Video Retrieval Evaluation
detecting the occurrence of an event in video-clips based on Event Kit, which
contains some text description related to concepts and video examples. The
research on video event detection is still in its infancy. The existing
research on event detection mainly focuses on sports or news events, running or
abnormal events in monitoring videos, and other similar events with repetitive
patterns. In the author proposed a new algorithm on special multimedia event
detection using a few positive training examples.
6.2.5 Network Data
Network analysis evolved from the initial quantitative
analysis and sociological network analysis into the emerging online social
network analysis in the beginning of twenty-first century. Many prevailing
online social networking services include Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn, etc.
have been increasingly popular over the years. Such online social networking
services generally include massive linked data and content data. The linked
data is mainly in the form of graphic structures, describing the communications
between two entities. The content data contains text, image, and other network
multimedia data. The rich contents of such networks bring about both
unprecedented challenges and opportunities to data analysis. In accordance with
the data-centered perspective, the existing research on social networking
service contexts can be classified into two categories: link-based structural
analysis and content-based analysis.
The research on link-based structural analysis has always
been committed on link prediction, community discovery, social network
evolution, and social influence analysis, etc. SNS may be visualized as graphs,
in which every vertex corresponds to a user and edges correspond to the
correlations among users. Since SNS are dynamic networks, new vertexes and
edges are continually added to the graphs. Link prediction is to predict the
possibility of future connection between two vertexes. Many technologies can be
used for link prediction, e.g., feature-based classification, probabilistic
methods, and Linear Algebra. Feature-based classification is to select a group
of features for a vertex and utilize the existing link information to generate
binary classifiers to predict the future link. Probabilistic methods aim to
build models for connection probabilities among vertexes in SNS. Linear Algebra
computes the similarity between two vertexes according to the singular similar
matrix. A community is represented by a sub-graphic matrix, in which edges
connecting vertexes in the sub-graph feature high density, while the edges
between two sub-graphs feature much lower density.
Many methods against community detection have been proposed
and studied, most of which are topology-based target functions relying on the
concept of capturing community structure. Du et al. utilized the property of
overlapping communities in real life to propose a more effective large-scale
SNS community detection method. The research on SNS aims to look for a law and
deduction model to interpret network evolution. Some empirical studies found
that proximity bias, geographical limitations, and other factors play important
roles in SNS evolution, and some generation methods are proposed to assist
network and system design.
Social influence refers to the case when individuals change
their behavior under the influence of others. The strength of social influence
depends on the relation among individuals, network distances, time effect, and
characteristics of networks and individuals, etc. Marketing, advertisement, recommendation,
and other applications can benefit from social influence by qualitatively and
quantitatively measuring the influence of individuals on others. Generally, if
the proliferation of contents between SNS are considered, the performance of
link-based structural analysis may be further improved.
Benefited by the revolutionary progress of Web2.0, the use
of generated contents is explosively growing in SNS. SNS is used to generated
contents by various technology, including blogs, micro blogs, opinion mining,
photos, video sharing, social bookmarking, social network sites, social news,
and Wiki. Content-based analysis in SNS is also known as social media analysis.
Social media include text, multimedia, positioning, and comments. Nearly all
research topics related to structural analysis, text analysis, and multimedia
analysis may be interpreted as social media analysis, but social media analysis
is confronted with unprecedented challenges. First, massive and continually
growing social media data should be automatically analyzed within a reasonable
time. Second, social media data contains much noise, e.g., blogosphere contains
a large number of spam blogs, and so does trivial Tweets in Twitter. Third, SNS
are dynamic networks, which are frequently and quickly changed and updated.
Since social media is close to SNS, social media analysis is
inevitably influenced by SNS analysis. SNS analysis refers to the text analysis
of SNS context and characteristics of social and network structures, as well as
multimedia analysis. The existing research on social media analysis is still in
its infancy. The applications of SNS text analysis include transfer learning in
keyword search, classification, clustering, and heterogeneous networks. Keyword
search tries to synchronously use contents and link behaviors for search. The
motivation for such applications is that text files containing similar keywords
are generally connected to each other. During classification, assuming all
nodes of the SNS are provided with labels, the nodes added with labels are
classified. During clustering, researchers aim to determine node sets with
similar contents and accordingly group them. Considering that SNS contains
massive information of different interlinked objects, e.g., articles, labels,
images, and videos, transfer learning in heterogeneous networks aims to
transfer knowledge information among different links.
Multimedia datasets in SNS is organized in a structured
form, which brings rich information, e.g., semantic ontology, social
interaction, community media, geographical maps, and multimedia opinions.
Structural multimedia analysis in SNS is also called multimedia information
networks. The link structure of multimedia information networks is mainly a
logic structure, which are of vital importance to the multimedia in multimedia
networks. The logic connection structures in multi[1]media information
networks can be classified into four types: semantic ontology, community media,
individual photo albums, and geographical positions.
6.2.6 Mobile Traffic
With the rapid growth of mobile computing, mobile terminals
and applications in the world are growing rapidly. By April 2013, Android Apps
has provided more than 650,000 applications, covering nearly all categories. By
the end of 2012, the monthly mobile data flow has reached 885 PB [51]. The
massive data and abundant applications exploit a broad research field for
mobile analysis but also bring about a few challenges. As a whole, mobile data
has unique characteristics, e.g., mobile sensing, moving flexibility, noise,
and a large amount of redundancy. Recently, new research on mobile analysis has
been started in different fields. Because of the far immaturity of the research
on mobile analysis, we will only introduce some recent and representative
analysis applications in this section.
With the growth of numbers of mobile users and the improved
performance, mobile phones are now useful for building and maintaining communities,
such as communities based on geographical locations and communities based on
different cultures and interests, e.g., the latest Wechat. Traditional network
communities or SNS communities are in short of online interaction among
members, and the communities are active only when members are sitting before
computers. On the contrary, mobile phones can support rich interaction anytime
and anywhere. Wechat supports not only one-to-one communications, but also
many-to-many communication. Mobile communities are defined as that a group of
individuals with the same hobbies (i.e., health, safety, and entertainment,
etc.) gather together on networks, meet to make a common goal, decide measures
through consultation to achieve the goal, and start to implement their plan. In
the authors proposed a qualitative model of a mobile community. It is now
widely believed that mobile community applications will greatly promote the
development of the mobile industry.
RFID labels are used to identify, locate, track, and
supervise physical objects in a cost-effective manner. RFID is widely applied
to inventory management and logistics. However, RFID brings about many
challenges to data analysis: (a) RFID data is very noisy and redundant; (b)
RFID data is instant and streaming data with a huge volume and limited
processing time. We can track objects and monitor system status by deducing
some original events through mining the semantics of RFID data, including
location, cluster, and time, etc. In addition, we may design the application
logic as complex events and then detect such complex events, so as to realize
more advanced business applications. In the authors discussed a shoplifting
case as an advanced complex event.
Recently, the progress in wireless sensor, mobile
communication technology, and stream processing enable people to build a body
area network to have real[1]time
monitoring of people’s health. Generally, medical data from different sensors
has different characteristics, e.g., heterogeneous attribute sets, different
time and space relations, and different physiological relations, etc. In
addition, such datasets involve privacy and safety protection. In Garg and
others introduced a multi[1]modal
transport analysis mechanism of raw data for real-time monitoring of health.
Under the circumstance that only highly comprehensive characteristics related
to health are available, Park et al. in examined approaches to better utilize
such comprehensive information to strength data at all levels. Comprehensive
statistics of some partitions is used to recognize clustering and input a
characteristic value with a more comprehensive degree. The input
characteristics will be further used to predict modeling so as to improve
Researchers from Gjovik University College in Norway and
Derawi Biometrics united to develop an application for smart phones, which
analyzes paces when people walk and uses the paces for unlocking the safety
system. In the meanwhile, Robert Delano and Brian Parise from Georgia Institute
of Technology developed an application called iTrem, which monitors human
bodies’ trembling with a built-in seismograph in a mobile phone, so as to cope
with Parkinson and other nervous system diseases. Many other mobile device
applications aim to acquire information through mobile devices, no matter how
useful such information is for future data analysis.
6.3 Key Applications
6.3.1 Application of
Big Data in Enterprises
At present, big data mainly comes from and used in
enterprises, while BI and OLAP can be regarded as the predecessors of big data
application. The application of big data in enterprises can enhance their
production efficiency and competitiveness in many aspects. In particular, on
marketing, with correlation analysis of big data, enterprises can more
accurately predict the behavior of consumers and mine new business modes. On
sales planning, after comparison of massive data, enterprises can optimize
their commodity prices. On operation, enterprises can improve their operation
efficiency and operation satisfaction, optimize the input of labor force,
accurately forecast personnel allocation requirements, avoid excess production
capacity, and reduce labor cost. On supply chain, using big data, enterprises
may conduct inventory optimization, logistic optimization, and supplier
coordination, etc., to mitigate the gap between supply and demand, control
budgets, and improve services.
In finance, the application of big data in enterprises has
been rapidly developed. For example, China Merchants Bank (CMB) utilizes data
analysis to recognize that such activities as “Multi-times score accumulation”
and “score exchange in shops,” are effective for attracting quality customers.
By building a customer loss early warning model, the bank can sell high-yield
financial products to the top 20 % customers in loss ratio so as to retain
them. As a result, the loss ratios of customers with Gold Cards and Sunflower
Cards have been reduced by 15 % and 7 %, respectively. By analyzing customers’
transaction records, potential small and micro corporate customers can be
effectively identified. By utilizing remote banking and the cloud referral
platform to implement cross-selling, considerable performance gains were
Obviously, the most classic application is in e-commerce.
Tens of thousands of transactions are conducted in Taobao and the corresponding
transaction time, commodity prices, and purchase quantities are recorded every
day. More important, such information matches age, gender, address, and even
hobbies and interests of buyers and sellers. Data Cube of Taobao is a big data
application on the Taobao plat[1]form,
through which, merchants can be ware of the macroscopic industrial status of
the Taobao platform, market conditions of their brands, and consumers’
behaviors, etc., and accordingly make production and inventory decisions.
Meanwhile, more consumers can purchase their favorite commodities with more
preferable prices.
The credit loan of Alibaba automatically analyzes and judges
if to lend loans to enterprises through the acquired enterprise transaction
data by virtue of big data technologies, while manual intervention does not
occur in the entire process. It is disclosed that, so far, Alibaba has lent
more than RMB 30 billion Yuan, with the rate of bad loans of only about 0.3 %,
which greatly lower than those of other commercial banks.
6.3.2 Application of
IoT Based Big Data
Internet of Things is not only an important source of big
data, but also the main market of application of big data. In Internet of
Things, every object in the real world may be both the producer and consumer of
data and, because of the high variety of objects, the applications of Internet
of Things also evolve endlessly.
Logistic enterprises may have profoundly experienced with
the application of big data of Internet of Things. Trucks of UPS are installed
with sensors, wireless adapters, and GPS, so the Headquarter can track truck
positions and prevent engine failures. Meanwhile, this equipment also help UPS supervise
and manage its employees, and optimize delivery routes. The optimal delivery
routes specified by UPS for trucks are derived from their past driving
experience. In 2011, UPS drivers have driven for nearly 48.28 million km less.
Smart city is a hot research area based on the application
of Internet of Things data. The U.S. Miami-Dade County is a sample of smart
city. The smart city project cooperation between Miami-Dade County in Florida
and IBM closely connects 35 types of key county government departments and
Miami City, and helps government leaders obtain better information support in
decision making for managing water resources, reducing traffic jam, and
improving public safety. IBM provides Dade County with smart instrument panel
application by virtue of the in-depth analysis under cloud computing, so as to
help the departments of county government with coordination-based and
visualized management. The application of smart city brings about benefits in
many aspects for Dade County. For example, Department of Park Management of
Dade County saved one million USD in water bills due to timely identifying and
fixing water pipes that were running and leaking this year.
6.3.3 Application of
Online Social Network-Oriented Big Data
Online SNS is a social structure constituted by social
individuals and connections among individuals based on an information network.
Big data of online SNS mainly comes from instant messages, online social, micro
blog, and shared space, etc. Since the big data of online SNS represents
various user activities, the analysis of such data receives more attention. The
analysis of big data of online SNS uses computational analytical method
provided for understanding relations in the human society by virtue of theories
and methods, which involves mathematics, informatics, sociology, and management
science, etc., from three dimensions including network structure, group
interaction, and information spreading. The application of big data of online
SNS includes network public opinion analysis, network intelligence collection
and analysis, socialized marketing, government decision-making support, and
online education, etc. Figure 6.1 illustrates the technical framework of the
application of big data of online SNS. Classic applications of big data of
online SNS are introduced in the following, which mainly mine and analyze
content information and structural information to acquire values.

• Content-Based Applications: Language and text are two most
important forms of representation in SNS. Through the analysis of language and
text, user preferences, emotions, interests, and demands, etc. may be revealed.
• Structure-Based Applications: On SNS with users as nodes,
social relation, interest, and hobbies, etc. aggregate relations among users
into a clustered structure. Such structure with close relations among internal
individuals but loose externally relations is also called a community. The
community-based analysis is of vital importance to improve information propagation
and for the research on interpersonal relation analysis.
The U.S. Santa Cruz Police Department experimented by
applying data to conducting predictive analysis. By analyzing SNS, the police
department can discover crime trends and crime modes, and even predict the crime
rates in major regions.
In April 2013, Wolfram Alpha, a computing and search engine
of the U.S., studied the law of social behaviors of users by analyzing social
data of more than one million American users of Facebook. According to the
analysis, it was found that most users of Facebook fall in love in their early
20s, get engaged when they are about 27 years old, get married when they are
about 30 years old, and have slow changes in their marriage relationship
between 30 and 60 years old. Such research results are highly consistent with
the demographic census data of the U.S.
Global Pulse conducted a research that revealed some laws in
social and economic activities using SNS data. This project utilized publicly
available Twitter messages in English, Japanese, and Indonesian from July 2010
to October 2011, to analyze topics related to food, fuel, housing, and loan.
The goal is to better understand public behavior and concerns. This project
analyzed SNS big data from several aspects: predicting the occurrence of
abnormal events by detecting the sharp growth or drop of the amount of topics;
observing the weekly and monthly trends of dialogs on Twitter; developing
models for the variation in the level of attention on specific topics over
time; understanding the transformation trends of user behavior or interest by
comparing ratios of different sub-topics; and predicting trends with external
indicators involved in Twitter dialogues. As a classic example, the project
discovered that the rice price follows the change of food price inflation from
the official statistics of Indonesia, by analyzing topics related to rice price
on Twitter (Fig. 6.2).

Generally speaking, the application of big data of online
SNS may help to better understand people’s behavior and master the laws of
social and economic activities from the following three aspects:
• Early Warning: to rapidly cope with crisis if any by
detecting abnormalities in the usage of electronic devices and services.
• Real-Time Monitoring: to provide accurate information for
the formulation of polices and plans by monitoring the current behavior,
emotion, and preference of users.
• Real-Time Feedback: acquire groups’ feedbacks against some
social activities based on real-time monitoring.
The application of big data of online SNS involves three
core technical problems:
• Data Model: Most traditional SNS data models are based on
the static mode and specific analytical algorithms, and are not amenable for
effective computation with data in the PB and higher scales. On the other hand,
SNS analysis usually implements multi-dimensional complex relevant analysis on
dynamic data. New theories and models need to be investigated to bridge this gap.
• Data Storage and Management: The existing Internet based
storage management methods mainly support big data storage and rapid query.
However, the existing approach does not effectively support the analytical
computation of big data of online SNS, featuring high correlation, dynamic
variability, and multi[1]dimensional
evolution, etc. Therefore, new storage and management methods need to be
• Data Analysis: The existing analytical methods on big data
of SNS are mainly based on single-dimensional attribute, with insufficient
accuracy. On the other hand, SNS analysis, such as topic evolution, group
interaction, and public emotion drifting, etc., usually incorporates complex
correlation analysis from the perspective of structure, group, and information.
There is a need for the basic theory and methods to support complex
correlation, multi-dimensional, large[1]scale,
dynamic data.
6.3.4 Applications of
Healthcare and Medical Big Data
Medical data is continuously and rapidly growing containing
abundant and various information values. Big data has unlimited potential for
effectively storing, process[1]ing,
querying, and analyzing medical data. The application of medical big data will
profoundly influence the human health.
For example, Aetna Life Insurance Company selected 102
patients from a pool of a 1,000 patients to complete an experiment in order to
help predict the recovery of patients with metabolic syndrome. In an
independent experiment, it scanned 600,000 laboratory test results and 180,000
claims through a series of detection test results of metabolic syndrome of
patients in three consecutive years. In addition, it summarized the final
result into an extreme personalized treatment plan to assess the dangerous
factors and main treatment plans of patients. This way, doctors may reduce
morbidity by 50 % in the next 10 years by prescribing statins and helping
patients to lose weight by five pounds, or suggesting patients to reduce the
total triglyceride in their bodies if the sugar content in their bodies is over
20 %.
The Mount Sinai Medical Center in the U.S. utilizes
technologies of Ayasdi, a big data company, to analyze all genetic sequences of
Escherichia Coli, including over one million DNA variants, to know why
bacterial strains resist antibiotics. Ayasdi’s technology uses Topological data
analysis, a brand-new mathematic research method, to understand data
characteristics. HealthVault of Microsoft is an excellent application of
medical big data launched in 2007. The goal is to manage individual health
information in individual and family medical equipment. Presently, health
information can be entered and uploaded with mobile smart devices and imported
into individual medical records by a third-party agency. In addition, it can be
integrated with a third-party application with the software development kit
(SDK) and open interface.
6.3.5 Collective
With the rapid development of wireless communication and
sensor technologies, mobile phones and tablet computers have integrated more
and more sensors, with increasingly stronger computing and sensing capacities.
As a result, crowd sensing is coming to the center stage of mobile computing.
In crowd sensing, a large number of general users utilize mobile devices as
basic sensing units to conduct coordination with mobile networks for
distribution of sensed tasks and collection and utilization of sensed data. The
goal is to complete large-scale and complex social sensing tasks. In crowd
sensing, participants who complete complex sensing tasks do not need to have
professional skills. Crowd sensing modes represented by Crowdsourcing has been
successfully applied to geotagged photograph, positioning and navigation, urban
road traffic sensing, market forecast, opinion mining, and other labor-intensive
Crowdsourcing, a new approach for problem solving, takes a
large number of general users as the foundation and distributes tasks in a free
and voluntary way. Crowdsourcing can be useful for labor-intensive
applications, such as pic[1]ture
marking, language translation, and speech recognition. The main idea of
Crowdsourcing is to distribute tasks to general users and to complete tasks
that users could not individually complete or do not anticipate to complete.
With no need for intentionally deploying sensing modules and employing
professionals, Crowdsourcing can broaden the sensing scope of a sensing system
to reach the city scale and even larger scales.
As a matter of fact, Crowdsourcing has been applied by many
companies before the emergence of big data. For example, P & G, BMW, and
Audi improve their R & D and design capacities by virtue of Crowdsourcing.
In the big data era, Spatial Crowdsourcing becomes a hot topic. The operation
framework of Spatial Crowdsourcing is shown as follows. A user may request the
service and resources related to a specified location. Then the mobile users
who are willing to participate in the task will move to the specified location
to acquire related data (such as video, audio, or pictures). Finally, the acquired
data will be send to the service requester. With the rapid growth of usage of
mobile devices and the increasingly complex functions provided by mobile
devices, it can be forecasted that Spatial Crowdsourcing will be more
prevailing than traditional Crowdsourcing, e.g., Amazon Turk and Crowdflower.
6.3.6 Smart Grid
Smart Grid is the next generation power grid constituted by
traditional energy networks integrated with computation, communications and
control for optimized generation, supply, and consumption of electric energy.
Smart Grid related big data are generated from various sources, such as (a)
power utilization habits of users, (b) phasor measurement data, which are
measured by phasor measurement unit (PMU) deployed national-wide, (c) energy
consumption data measured by the smart meters in the Advanced Metering
Infrastructure (AMI), (d) energy market pricing and bidding data, (e)
management, control and maintenance data for the devices and equipment in the
power generation, transmission and distribution networks (such as Circuit
Breaker Monitors and transformers). Smart Grid brings about the following
challenges on exploiting big data.
• Grid Planning: By analyzing data in Smart Grid, the
regions can be identified that have excessive high electrical load or power
outage frequencies. Even the transmission lines with high failure possibility
can be predicted. Such analytical results may contribute to grid upgrading,
transformation, and maintenance, etc. For example, researchers from University
of California, Los Angeles designed an “electric map” according to the big data
theory and made a California map by integrating census information and
real-time power utilization information provided by electric power companies.
The map takes a block as a unit to demonstrate the power consumption of every
block at the moment. It can even compare the power consumption of the block
with the average income per capita and building types, so as to obtain more
accurate power usage habits of all kinds of groups in the community. This map
provides effective and visual load forecast for city and power grid planning.
Preferential transformation on power grid facilities in blocks with high power
outage frequencies and serious overloads may be conducted, as displayed in the map.
• Interaction Between Power Generation and Power
Consumption: An ideal power grid shall balance power generation and power
consumption. However, the traditional power grid is constructed based on
one-directional approach of transmission-transformation-distribution-consumption,
which could not adjust the generation capacity according to the demand of power
consumption, thus leading to electric energy redundancy and waste. To this end,
smart electric meters are developed to enable the interaction between power
consumption and power generation, and to improve power supply efficiency. TXU
Energy has widely deployed smart electric meters with a big success. Power
supply companies can read power utilization data every other 15 min other than
every month in the past. Therefore, labor cost for meter reading is saved and,
because power utilization data (a source of big data) are frequently and
rapidly acquired and analyzed, power supply companies can adjust the
electricity price according to peak and low periods of power consumption. TXU
Energy utilized such price lever to stabilize the peak and low fluctuations of
power consumption. As a matter of fact, the application of big data in the
smart grid can help the realization of time-sharing dynamic pricing, which is a
win-win situation for both energy suppliers and users.
• Access of Intermittent Renewable Energy: At present, many
new energy resources, such as wind energy and solar energy, are also accessed
to power grids. However, since the power generation capacities of such new
energy resources are closely related to climate conditions that feature
randomness and intermittency, it is challenging to access them to power grids.
If the big data of power grids is effectively analyzed, such intermittent
renewable new energy sources can be effectively managed: the electricity
generated by the new energy resources can be allocated to regions with
electricity shortage. Such energy resources can complement the traditional
hydropower and thermal power generations.