20.1 Rotational displacement
Rotational displacement transducers
measure the angular motion of a body about some rotation axis. They are
important not only for measuring the rotation of bodies such as shafts, but
also as part of systems that measure translational displacement by converting
the translational motion to a rotary form. The various devices available for
measuring rotational displacements are presented below, and the arguments for
choosing a particular form in any given measurement situation are considered at
the end of the chapter.
20.1.1 Circular and helical potentiometers
The circular potentiometer is the
cheapest device available for measuring rotational displacements. It works on
almost exactly the same principles as the translational motion potentiometer,
except that the track is bent round into a circular shape. The measurement
range of individual devices varies from 0–10° to 0–360° depending on whether
the track forms a full circle or only part of a circle. Where greater
measurement range than 0–360° is required, a helical potentiometer is used,
with some devices being able to measure up to 60 full turns. The helical
potentiometer accommodates multiple turns of the track by forming the track
into a helix shape. However, its greater mechanical complexity makes the device
significantly more expensive than a circular potentiometer. The two forms of
device are shown in Figure 20.1.
Both kinds of device give a linear
relationship between the measured quantity and the output reading because the
output voltage measured at the sliding contact is proportional to the angular
displacement of the slider from its starting position. However, as with linear
track potentiometers, all rotational potentiometers can give performance
problems due to dirt on the track causing loss of contact. They also have a
limited life because of wear between the sliding surfaces. The typical
inaccuracy of this class of devices varies from ±1% of full scale for circular
potentiometers down to ±0.002% of full scale for the best helical
20.1.2 Rotational differential
This is a special form of
differential transformer that measures rotational rather than translational
motion. The method of construction and connection of the windings is exactly
the same as for the linear variable differential transformer (LVDT), except that
a specially shaped core is used that varies the mutual inductance between the
windings as it rotates, as shown in Figure 20.2. Like its linear equivalent,
the instrument suffers no wear in operation and therefore has a very long life
with almost no maintenance requirements. It can also be modified for operation
in harsh environments by enclosing the windings inside a protective enclosure.
However, apart from the difficulty of avoiding some asymmetry between the
secondary windings, great care has to be taken in these instruments to machine
the core to exactly the right shape. In consequence, the inaccuracy cannot be
reduced below ±1%, and even this level of accuracy is only obtained for limited
excursions of the core of ±40° away from the null position. For angular
displacements of ±60°, the typical inaccuracy rises to ลก3%, and the instrument
is unsuitable for measuring displacements greater than this.
20.1.3 Incremental shaft encoders
Incremental shaft encoders are one of
a class of encoder devices that give an output in digital form. They measure
the instantaneous angular position of a shaft relative to some arbitrary datum
point, but are unable to give any indication about the absolute position of a
shaft. The principle of operation is to generate pulses as the shaft whose
displacement is being measured rotates. These pulses are counted and the total
angular rotation inferred from the pulse count. The pulses are generated either
by optical or by magnetic means and are detected by suitable sensors. Of the
two, the optical system is considerably cheaper and therefore much more common.
Such instruments are very convenient for computer control applications, as the
measurement is already in the required digital form and therefore the usual
analogue to digital signal conversion process is avoided.
An example of an optical incremental
shaft encoder is shown in Figure 20.3. It can be seen that the instrument
consists of a pair of discs, one of which is fixed and one of which rotates
with the body whose angular displacement is being measured. Each disc is
basically opaque but has a pattern of windows cut into it. The fixed disc has
only one window and the light source is aligned with this so that the light
shines through all the time. The second disc has two tracks of windows cut into
it that are equidistantly spaced around the disc, as shown in Figure 20.4. Two
light detectors are positioned beyond the second disc so that one is aligned
with each track of windows. As the second disc rotates, light alternately
enters and does not enter the detectors, as windows and then opaque regions of
the disc pass in front of them. These pulses of light are fed to a counter,
with the final count after motion has ceased corresponding to the angular
position of the moving body relative to the starting position. The primary
information about the magnitude of rotation is obtained by the detector aligned
with the
outer track of windows. The pulse
count obtained from this gives no information about the direction of rotation,
however. Direction information is provided by the second, inner track of
windows, which have an angular displacement with respect to the outer set of
windows of half a window width. The pulses from the detector aligned with the
inner track of windows therefore lag or lead the primary set of pulses
according to the direction of rotation.
The maximum measurement resolution
obtainable is limited by the number of windows that can be machined onto a
disc. The maximum number of windows per track for a 150 mm-diameter disc is
5000, which gives a basic angular measurement resolution of 1 in 5000. By using
more sophisticated circuits that increment the count on both the rising and
falling edges of the pulses through the outer track of windows, it is possible
to double the resolution to a maximum of 1 in 10 000. At the expense of even
greater complexity in the counting circuit, it is possible also to include the
pulses from the inner track of windows in the count, so giving a maximum
measurement resolution of 1 in 20 000.
Optical incremental shaft encoders
are a popular instrument for measuring relative angular displacements and are
very reliable. Problems of noise in the system giving false counts can
sometimes cause difficulties, although this can usually be eliminated by
squaring the output from the light detectors. Such instruments are found in
many applications where rotational motion has to be measured. Incremental shaft
encoders are also commonly used in circumstances where a translational
displacement has been transformed to a rotational one by suitable gearing. One
example of this practice is in measuring the translational motions in
numerically controlled (NC) drilling machines. Typical gearing used for this
would give one revolution per mm of translational displacement. By using an
incremental shaft encoder with 1000 windows per track in such an arrangement, a
measurement resolution of 1 micron is obtained.
20.1.4 Coded-disc shaft encoders
Unlike the incremental shaft encoder
that gives a digital output in the form of pulses that have to be counted, the
digital shaft encoder has an output in the form of a binary number of several
digits that provides an absolute measurement of shaft position. Digital
encoders provide high accuracy and reliability. They are particularly useful
for computer control applications, but they have a significantly higher cost
than incremental encoders. Three different forms exist, using optical,
electrical and magnetic energy systems respectively.
Optical digital shaft encoder
The optical digital shaft encoder is
the cheapest form of encoder available and is the one used most commonly. It is
found in a variety of applications, and one where it is particularly popular is
in measuring the position of rotational joints in robot manipulators. The
instrument is similar in physical appearance to the incremental shaft encoder.
It has a pair of discs (one movable and one fixed) with a light source on one
side and light detectors on the other side, as shown in Figure 20.5. The fixed
disc has a single window, and the
principal way in which the device differs from the incremental shaft encoder is
in the design of the windows on the movable disc, as shown in Figure 20.6.
These are cut in four or more tracks instead of two and are arranged in sectors
as well as tracks. An energy detector is aligned with each track, and these
give an output of ‘1’ when energy is detected and an output of ‘0’ otherwise.
The measurement resolution obtainable depends on the number of tracks used. For
a four-track version, the resolution is 1 in 16, with progressively higher
measurement resolution being attained as the number of tracks is increased.
These binary outputs from the detectors are combined together to give a binary
number of several digits. The number of digits corresponds to the number of
tracks on the disc, which in the example shown in Figure 20.6 is four. The
pattern of windows in each sector is cut such that, as that particular sector
passes across the window in the fixed disc, the four energy detector outputs
combine to give a unique binary number. In the binary-coded example shown in
Figure 20.6, the binary number output increments by one as each sector in the
rotating disc passes in turn across the window in the fixed disc. Thus the
output from sector 1 is 0001, from sector 2 is 0010, from sector 3 is 0011,
Whilst this arrangement is perfectly
adequate in theory, serious problems can arise in practice due to the
manufacturing difficulty involved in machining the windows of the movable disc
such that the edges of the windows in each track are exactly aligned with each
other. Any misalignment means that, as the disc turns across the boundary
between one sector and the next, the outputs from each track will switch at
slightly different instants of time, and therefore the binary number output
will be incorrect over small angular ranges corresponding to the sector
boundaries. The worst error can occur at the boundary between sectors seven and
eight, where the output is switching from 0111 to 1000. If the energy sensor
corresponding to the first digit switches before the others, then the output
will be 1111 for a very small angular range of movement, indicating that sector
15 is aligned with the fixed disc rather than sector seven or eight. This
represents an error of 100% in the indicated angular position.
There are two ways used in practice
to overcome this difficulty, which both involve an alteration to the manner in
which windows are machined on the movable disc, as shown in Figure 20.7. The
first of these methods adds an extra outer track on the disc, known as an
anti-ambiguity track, which consists of small windows that span a small angular
range on either side of each sector boundary of the main track system. When
energy sensors associated with this extra track sense energy, this is used to
signify that the disc is aligned on a sector boundary and the output is
The second method is somewhat simpler
and cheaper, because it avoids the expense of machining the extra
anti-ambiguity track. It does this by using a special code, known as the Gray
code, to cut the tracks in each sector on the movable disc. The Gray code is a
special binary representation, where only one binary digit changes in moving
from one decimal number representation to the next, i.e. from one sector to the
next in the digital shaft encoder. The code is illustrated in Table 20.1.
It is possible to manufacture optical
digital shaft encoders with up to 21 tracks, which gives a measurement
resolution of 1 part in 106 (about one second of arc). Unfortunately, there is
a high cost involved in the special photolithography techniques used to cut the
windows in order to achieve such a measurement resolution, and very
high-quality mounts and bearings are needed. Hence, such devices are very
Contacting (electrical) digital shaft
The contacting digital shaft encoder
consists of only one disc that rotates with the body whose displacement is
being measured. The disc has conducting and non-conducting segments rather than
the transparent and opaque areas found on the movable disc of the optical form
of instrument, but these are arranged in an identical pattern of sectors and
tracks. The disc is charged to a low potential by an electrical brush in
contact with one side of the disc, and a set of brushes on the other side of
the disc measures the potential in each track. The output of each detector
brush is interpreted as a binary value of ‘1’ or ‘0’ according to whether the
track in that particular segment is conducting or not and hence whether a
voltage is sensed or not. As for the case of the optical
form of instrument, these outputs are
combined together to give a multi-bit binary number. Contacting digital shaft
encoders have a similar cost to the equivalent optical instruments and have
operational advantages in severe environmental conditions of high temperature
or mechanical shock. They suffer from the usual problem of output ambiguity at
the sector boundaries but this problem is overcome by the same methods as used
in optical instruments.
A serious problem in the application
of contacting digital shaft encoders arises from their use of brushes. These
introduce friction into the measurement system, and the combination of dirt and
brush wear causes contact problems. Consequently, problems of intermittent
output can occur, and such instruments generally have limited reliability and a
high maintenance cost. Measurement resolution is also limited because of the
lower limit on the minimum physical size of the contact brushes. The maximum
number of tracks possible is ten, which limits the resolution to 1 part in
1000. Thus, contacting digital shaft encoders are only used where the
environmental conditions are too severe for optical instruments.
Magnetic digital shaft encoder
Magnetic digital shaft encoders
consist of a single rotatable disc, as in the contacting form of encoder
discussed in the previous section. The pattern of sectors and tracks consists
of magnetically conducting and non-conducting segments, and the sensors aligned
with each track consist of small toroidal magnets. Each of these sensors has a
coil wound on it that has a high or low voltage induced in it according to the
magnetic field close to it. This field is dependent on the magnetic
conductivity of that segment of the disc that is closest to the toroid.
These instruments have no moving
parts in contact and therefore have a similar reliability to optical devices.
Their major advantage over optical equivalents is an ability to operate in very
harsh environmental conditions. Unfortunately, the process of manufacturing and
accurately aligning the toroidal magnet sensors required makes such instruments
very expensive. Their use is therefore limited to a few applications where both
high measurement resolution and also operation in harsh environments are
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